RacewayX Advisor Announcement

2 min readMar 4, 2022


Racewayx team is delighted to announce Marcelo S. as their advisor. He is the Founder of IBetCrypto, the FIRST Sportsbook that is FULLY on the Blockchain and CEO of Chedda token. He is also a Co-Founder of Miami crypto Board and Crypto Expo.

Marcelo is a competent entrepreneur with years of experience in the blockchain industry and business development. His ability to solve practical business problems and influence has made him a respected individual in the business world. Marcelo has a keen ability to identify potential and we welcome him as part of our team and hope to accomplish great things together

ABOUT RacewayX

RacewayX is the first multi-chain text-based strategy racing game with blockchain-powered economy and prize pool redistribution contracts. A true gem in the P2E gaming industry.

• Interactive P2E

• Farming and Staking

• Token Supports In-Game Economy

• Collectible NFTs with UTILITY

RacewayX is a play-to-earn car racing game where players and participants own parts of the game. Players can earn by playing the game or by simply owning parts of the game. All ownable parts of the game are in the form of verifiable owned NFTs.


🔗 Website : https://racewayx.com/

📄 Whitepaper : https://whitepaper.racewayx.com

▶️ Gameplay WIP : https://youtu.be/AO0otsqNddo

🌎 NFT Testnet : https://testnets.opensea.io/collection/racewayx-metaverse

🐧 Twitter :https://twitter.com/RacewayXMeta

💬 Telegarm : https://t.me/RaceWayXMetaverse



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